Devoted to Excellence and Student-Centered Learning

Led by Aaron Howard, Premiere International College (PIC) is a nursing school dedicated to honing compassionate and skilled nurses. We are located in Fort Myers, Florida, and have been offering quality nursing programs since 2009.


The mission of Premiere International College is to develop students' knowledge and skills necessary to transition into their chosen profession. The college provides quality education, which fosters a student-centered learning environment designed to meet the needs of a diverse workforce.


Premiere International College is devoted to educating the community. We provide students with an atmosphere that capitalizes on student-centered learning.

PIC considers each student as an individual and strives to be cognizant of all requests from members of the student body. PIC graduates are instilled with the belief that family values, commitment, and perseverance will allow them to become productive members of society.

Goals and Objectives

Having goals and objectives is essential to reaching our mission at Premiere International College. In keeping with the needs and background of our students, our faculty, administration, and management’s purpose are to:

  • Bring knowledge to the local community that the opportunities in the nursing profession are achievable through the completion of nursing training programs
  • Provide comprehensive nursing programs that prepare students for direct entry into the job market
  • Support students in the successful completion of their nursing programs of study
  • Provide students with opportunities to develop the soft skills necessary to succeed in school and their nursing profession
  • Contribute to the community by providing highly trained and prepared nursing professionals
  • Create a challenging and supportive environment for employees, and provide learning and growth opportunities and infrastructure necessary to do their job effectively
  • Establish an environment and policies for employees that ensure PIC regulatory compliance
  • Guide students to be successful professionals at their places of selected employment

Get in Touch

If you would like to learn more about us and our nursing programs, reach out to us today. We’d love to discuss them further with you.